Traditional Ireland 2024/2025


6 Days

Physical rate


Starting city



November 2024 / March 2025

Cities to visit: Dublin; DublÍn; Clonmacnoise; Athlone; Galway; Acantilados De Moher; Limerick; Cork; Roca De Cashel

Detailed day by day description


Dear Traveler: thank you for choosing us to perform this Tour! We hope you enjoy your trip.

Here we give you a guidance on their tour with the information that we believe may be of your interest. The information is indicative, may exist variations on designated hours.

TRANSFER from the airport, if you have it included or purchasing. Our transfer will be waiting for you with a poster on behalf of Eurowelcome or its name to the output of the custom (after collecting your luggage).

Remember to inform us by phone if you lost your connection flight or expected delay of their arrival, in your VOUCHER figure the phone of the transfer.


Transfer from Dublin Airport to the tour hotel. Accommodation and breakfast at the Croke Park Hotel, Iveagh Gardens Hotel or similar.

We will have the opportunity to walk through Dublin, the Capital of the Republic of Ireland at our leisure. You will be able to visit the main attractions of the city La Aduana, Dublin Castle and Phoenix Park. Not to be missed are Trinity College University and St. Patrick's Protestant Cathedral. Also, don't forget to do some shopping and live the memorable experience of being in an authentic Irish pub. Accommodation and breakfast at the Croke Park Hotel, Iveagh Gardens Hotel or similar.

After breakfast we will travel to the west of Ireland. We will visit the Clonmacnoise Monastery, founded by Saint Ciaran in the 4th century and located in front of the river Shannon. We will pass through Athlone and have free time for lunch. We will continue our trip to the city of Galway known as the "City of the Tribes". Here we will take a walking tour to see the streets of Galway including the Spanish Arch, the Protestant Church and Lynch Castle. They will also know why the famous Irish pubs were born. You will see the last Catholic Cathedral built in Ireland in 1965. Galway has such a special atmosphere that you will want to return! Free time to explore its charming shopping centre. Dinner, accommodation, and breakfast at the Connacht Hotel or similar.

Today, we will leave County Galway behind traveling south towards the Cliffs of Moher. Before we will cross "The Burren" which in Gaelic means Rocky Terrain, an important extension of limestone land protected by UNESCO in front of the Atlantic. The Cliffs of Moher, with its 200 meters above sea level and 8 km in length, will make us experience the sense of freedom, you can walk along the cliffs and enter its visitor centre. Then we will travel to the city of Limerick, where there will be free time to walk through its streets and have lunch. Then, we will we reach County Cork. "The Valley of Gold" has spectacular landscapes, cultural and gastronomic wealth, and a historical heritage that competes with other large cities in Ireland. Barley production made Cork one of the leading whiskey producers in the country. We will take a panoramic tour of the city of Cork passing places such as the Church of Saint Anne Shandon, the Clock of the Lie, and the Protestant Cathedral of Saint Finbar. Cork, like Venice, is a city built on water and has one of the largest commercial ports in the world, after Sydney and San Francisco. Accommodation and breakfast at the River Lee Hotel, Imperial Hotel or similar.

After breakfast we will go to the Rock of Cashel, a fortress prior to the Norman invasion, which was ceded to the ecclesiastical power and is linked to local mythologies of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. In this place, in 1647, the massacre of 3 thousand people took place under the troops of Oliver Cromwell. We will have free time to photograph the impressive fortress and walk through its streets. We will continue towards Dublin where we will arrive at lunch time, and we’ll have the rest of the afternoon free. This will be the last opportunity on the tour to shop in Irish lands. Bed and breakfast at the Croke Park Hotel, Iveagh Gardens Hotel or similar.

Free day until transfer back to Dublin Airport for your departure flight.

Map Tour


From USD 996.49 EUR 899.04